
Monday, December 12, 2011

Enjoy Luxury Shampoo Sulfate Free

I had a request to do a sulfate free shampoo and this by far has to be my favorite. This shampoo is made by Enjoy. Their products are to die for since everything that I have used from them leaves my hair feeling good but the it can be a little pricey.
My brother being the nerd that he is gave me a lecture about buying sulfate free shampoos. He basically told me that shampoos contain levels of alkaline which are usually 6.5 on the pH scale therefore the difference between a sulfate free and a regular shampoo is that it is around 5.0 to 6.0 on the ph Scale which is a good thing since nails, hair, and skin go at 4.5 on the pH scale. Therefore, using a sulfate free shampoo will not strip your color of your hair, whether or not you die it and it will not leave it dry. I know I have used plenty of shampoos in the past that have left my hair feeling that it was about to fall off.
This Enjoy shampoo left my hair feeling silky and squeeky clean. I felt that it actually took the dryness off my scalp but I feel I need more moisture though due to my curls.
My brother on the other hand, his hair completely changed. I know he is going to get mad at me for talking about him on here. lol. My brother has medium hair and it is straight. Before it looked dry but I noticed a change in his hair. It looks and feels silky and it did not leave his hair greasy at all. His hair color looks more colorful before his hair looked like a faded out brown. (My bro does not dye his hair)
Anyways, if you have straight hair, dry scalp, normal, etc. this product is for you. If you have curly hair, I would suggest you find something a little bit more with moisture. Also to complete the shampoo, you need to buy the Enjoy Luxury Conditioner. If you have any questions, let know.

The shampoo costs about $17.99 at Hans in Hacienda Heights,CA.
I'm pretty sure you can get a better deal online though.

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